Priorities - Sermon by Robert Morris - June 21, 2014
Sermon Notes
Exodus 18:13-18 (NLT)
Jethro’s Wise Advice
13 The next day, Moses took his seat to hear the people’s disputes against
each other. They waited before him from morning till evening.
14 When Moses’ father-in-law saw all that Moses was doing for the people,
he asked, “What are you really accomplishing here? Why are you trying to do all
this alone while everyone stands around you from morning till evening?”
15 Moses replied, “Because the people come to me to get a ruling from God.
16 When a dispute arises, they come to me, and I am the one who settles the
case between the quarreling parties. I inform the people of God’s decrees and
give them his instructions.”
17 “This is not good!” Moses’ father-in-law exclaimed. 18 “You’re going to
wear yourself out—and the people, too. This job is too heavy a burden for you
to handle all by yourself.
1. Pray
Exodus 18:19 (NLT)
19 Now listen to me, and let me give you a word of advice, and may God be
with you. You should continue to be the people’s representative before God,
bringing their disputes to him.
2. Teach
Exodus 18:20 (NLT)
20 Teach them God’s decrees, and give them his instructions. Show them how
to conduct their lives.
3. Appoint
Exodus 18:21; Acts 6:1–4; Numbers 11:14–17
Exodus 18:21 (NLT)
21 But select from all the people some capable, honest men who fear God and
hate bribes. Appoint them as leaders over groups of one thousand, one hundred,
fifty, and ten.
Acts 6:1-4(NLT)
Seven Men Chosen to Serve
1 But as the believers[a] rapidly multiplied, there were rumblings of
discontent. The Greek-speaking believers complained about the Hebrew-speaking
believers, saying that their widows were being discriminated against in the
daily distribution of food.
2 So the Twelve called a meeting of all the believers. They said, “We
apostles should spend our time teaching the word of God, not running a food
program. 3 And so, brothers, select seven men who are well respected and are
full of the Spirit and wisdom. We will give them this responsibility. 4 Then we
apostles can spend our time in prayer and teaching the word.”
Numbers 11:14-17 (NLT)
14 I can’t carry all these people by myself! The load is far too heavy! 15
If this is how you intend to treat me, just go ahead and kill me. Do me a favor
and spare me this misery!”
Moses Chooses Seventy Leaders
16 Then the Lord said to Moses, “Gather before me seventy men who are
recognized as elders and leaders of Israel. Bring them to the Tabernacle[a] to
stand there with you. 17 I will come down and talk to you there. I will take
some of the Spirit that is upon you, and I will put the Spirit upon them also.
They will bear the burden of the people along with you, so you will not have to
carry it alone.
. Be a Good Husband and Father (and Grandfather)
Exodus 18:2; Exodus 4:20, 24–26
Exodus 18:2 (NLT)
2 Earlier, Moses had sent his wife, Zipporah, and his two sons back to
Jethro, who had taken them in.
Exodus 4:20 (NLT)
20 So Moses took his wife and sons, put them on a donkey, and headed back
to the land of Egypt. In his hand he carried the staff of God.
Exodus 4:24-26 (NLT)
24 On the way to Egypt, at a place where Moses and his family had stopped
for the night, the Lord confronted him and was about to kill him. 25 But Moses’
wife, Zipporah, took a flint knife and circumcised her son. She touched his
feet[a] with the foreskin and said, “Now you are a bridegroom of blood to me.”
26 (When she said “a bridegroom of blood,” she was referring to the
circumcision.) After that, the Lord left him alone.
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